
A Busy Tuesday

(My Desk — Where I Spent Most of My Day Yesterday)

Yesterday was so busy I didn’t manage to fit any blogging in, so I shall do it now!

My day started around noon when I had finished taking advantage of my one day without a 9:15 start at which point I made Pizza bread for brunch, I’ve become reasonable at cooking since coming to uni — especially after cooking each day Friday – Monday this weekend with Jess.

Pizza Bread - Its basically toast with BBQ sauce and Cheese on, I'm a Culinary genius.
Pizza Bread - Its basically toast with BBQ sauce and Cheese on, I'm a Culinary genius.

Shortly after this I paid for my accommodation online, £1180.62 well spent I think, I have enjoyed the independence of living on my own in my own place. I then filled out my student finance forms asking them to remove my Maintenance loan (which I didn’t want in the first place).

I spent much of the rest of the day doing my Quantitive Methods for Computing Coursework, writing up lecture notes and reading one of my new books – “William Stallings Computer Systems – Internals and Design Principles” – which as you can imagine is… exciting stuff. Fortunately I only have another 380 pages to read 😛 Speaking of books my book shelf is now actually starting to look full and student like.

My Bookshelf
My Bookshelf

From left to write I have

  1. A folder of University and Student Finance Documents
  2. A folder of Misc. Documents I felt I would need
  3. A reem of paper
  4. University of Hull Computer Science Department Student Handbook (full of useful stuff)
  5. Computer Systems Architecture by R. Newman, E. Gaura and D. Hibbs
  6. Computer Organization & Architecture  – Designing for Performance by William Stallings
  7. Code Complete 2 by McConnell
  8. Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings
  9. University of Hull Student Pages (essentially a planner)
  10. Vernon GODLittle by DCB Pierre (we got this for free on registration)
Thats everything about tuesday anyway,
Thanks for Reading