

During my time at DRIVETRIBE I primarily worked on a feature called MyGarage which allows people to upload a complete history of their vehicle ownership as well as their dream vehicle and any vehicles they have for sale.

Each vehicle upload consists of an image, make and model. Optionally a user can add the model year, year of purchase and a text description. Uploaded vehicles can be liked and shared by other users, and they can comment to ask questions or provide opinions. The makes and models can be from a list of known brands or a user can input a custom value if they have something particularly rare.

Vehicle Upload Screen - Desktop
Vehicle Upload Screen – Desktop

The feature has two main benefits, one being that users enjoy the feature and spend a lot more time on the website if they can interact with their own garage and comment and share other peoples. Secondly, DT gets access to a wealth of data about its users; such as how often they get a new vehicle and what they would really like to buy in the future.

I worked on the front-end portion of the feature on DTs responsive website such that it worked both on mobile and desktop browsers. The front-end was written in React and utilised the very cool Styled-Components library, which I enjoyed using.

Garage Page View - Mobile
Garage Page View – Mobile

One of the most exciting parts of working on this project was that it was announced to the world by James May of Top Gear and The Grand Tour fame. A competition was also ran where a user could win (a model of) their dream ride and the winner was announced by Richard Hammond.

I hope a lot of people get a lot of enjoyment from this neat feature.


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